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Birmingham, AL, United States
Working hard on becoming a Craft Superhero, one leap at a time!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Then and Now

My most recent sewing has been done at the speed of light. I was so busy leading up to and during Christmas and Thanksgiving, that when my necesssary projects were complete, all those odd and end things that were piled up got ripped through because as I told a few of my friends, my sewing machine gets cold and lonely when it's not running! I will get to those projects in some future posts, but for now, here is my most absolutely recent project (completed yesterday during the kids nap.) Bella's bed.

Oh, yes of course, this is the old Bella's bed. As you can see, she has slept in this bed her entire eight year doggy life, and it had reached a level of disgustedness that I had to remove from toddler hands and public view. It has been in the garage since about the time this photo was taken (hilighting in full color that it needed immediate removal from the house.) Poor, poor, Bella. Almost a year and no where to call her own. Bad Mommy. So I went into Joanne fabric, and in the super discount pile in the back, they had a big bolt of outerwear fabric in my absolute favorite color; plaid! Fast Forward to as fast as a machine can sew (I used canvas for the underside) and viola, my (furry) baby girl finally has her spot to roost. Happy dog ears and all!

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